Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Henry David Thoreaus Thoughts on Love

Henry David Thoreau's Thoughts on Love Henry David Thoreau is thought of by many as Americas supreme nature writer and is most famous Walden, his book of observations and intermingled philosophy about the time he spent living on Walden Pond near Concord, Massachusetts. But he had thoughts to share about many other things, as this essay reveals. This work, originally titled Love and Friendship, was culled from a letter Thoreau wrote to a friend in September 1852. It was first published in the collection Letters to Various Persons (1865), edited by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thoreaus friend and mentor. Biographer Robert D. Richardson Jr. says that despite the essays faults (sentimental language, overblown idealizing, and choppy, unsure paragraphing), Love is refreshing in its desire to avoid sentimental cant. Love What the essential difference between man and woman is, that they should be thus attracted to one another, no one has satisfactorily answered. Perhaps we must acknowledge the justness of the distinction which assigns to man the sphere of wisdom and to woman that of love, though neither belongs exclusively to either. Man is continually saying to woman, Why will you not be more wise? Woman is continually saying to man, Why will you not be more loving? It is not in their wills to be wise or to be loving; but, unless each is both wise and loving, there can be neither wisdom nor love. All transcendent goodness is one, though appreciated in different ways, or by different senses. In beauty we see it, in music we hear it, in fragrance, we scent it, in the palatable the pure palate tastes it, and in rare health, the whole body feels it. The variety is in the surface or manifestation, but the radical identity we fail to express. The lover sees in the glance of his beloved the same beauty that in the sunset paints the western skies. It is the same daimon, here lurking under a human eyelid, and there under the closing eyelids of the day. Here, in small compass, is the ancient and natural beauty of evening and morning. What loving astronomer has ever fathomed the ethereal depths of the eye? The maiden conceals a fairer flower and sweeter fruit than any calyx in the field; and, if she goes with averted face, confiding in her purity and high resolves, she will make the heavens retrospective, and all nature humbly confess its queen. Under the influence of this sentiment, man is a string of an Aeolian harp, which vibrates with the zephyrs of the eternal morning. There is at first thought something trivial in the commonness of love. So many Indian youths and maidens along these banks have in ages past yielded to the influence of this great civilizer. Nevertheless, this generation is not disgusted nor discouraged, for love is no individuals experience; and though we are imperfect mediums, it does not partake of our imperfection; though we are finite, it is infinite and eternal; and the same divine influence broods over these banks, whatever race may inhabit them, and perchance still would, even if the human race did not dwell here. Perhaps an instinct survives through the intensest actual love, which prevents entire abandonment and devotion, and makes the most ardent lover a little reserved. It is the anticipation of change. For the most ardent lover is not the less practically wise, and seeks a love which will last forever. Considering how few poetical friendships there are, it is remarkable that so many are married. It would seem as if men yielded too easy an obedience to nature without consulting their genius. One may be drunk with love without being any nearer to finding his mate. There is more of good nature than of good sense at the bottom of most marriages. But the good nature must have the counsel of the good spirit or Intelligence. If common sense had been consulted, how many marriages would never have taken place; if uncommon or divine sense, how few marriages such as we witness would ever have taken place! Our love may be ascending or descending. What is its character, if it may be said of it We must respect the souls above,But only those below we love. Love is a severe critic. Hate can pardon more than love. They who aspire to love worthily, subject themselves to an ordeal more rigid than any other. Is your friend such a one that an increase of worth on your part will surely make her more your friend? Is she retained is she attracted by more nobleness in you by more of that virtue which is peculiarly yours, or is she indifferent and blind to that? Is she to be flattered and won by your meeting her on any other than the ascending path? Then duty requires that you separate from her. Love must be as much a light as a flame. Where there is not discernment, the behavior even of the purest soul may in effect amount to coarseness. A man of fine perceptions is more truly feminine than a merely sentimental woman. The heart is blind, but Love is not blind. None of the gods is so discriminating. In Love Friendship the imagination is as much exercised as the heart; and if either is outraged the other will be estranged. It is commonly the imagination which is wounded first, rather than the heart, it is so much the more sensitive. Comparatively, we can excuse any offense against the heart, but not against the imagination. The imagination knows nothing escapes its glance from out its eyry and it controls the breast. My heart may still yearn toward the valley, but my imagination will not permit me to jump off the precipice that debars me from it, for it is wounded, its wings are dipt, and it cannot fly, even descendingly. Our blundering hearts! some poet says. The imagination never forgets; it is a remembering. It is not foundationless, but most reasonable, and it alone uses all the knowledge of the intellect. Love is the profoundest of secrets. Divulged, even to the beloved, it is no longer Love. As if it were merely I that loved you. When love ceases, then it is divulged. In our intercourse with one we love, we wish to have answered those questions at the end of which we do not raise our voice; against which we put no interrogation-markanswered with the same unfailing, universal aim toward every point of the compass. I require that thou knowest everything without being told anything. I parted from my beloved because there was one thing which I had to tell her. She  questioned  me. She should have known all by sympathy. That I had to tell it her was the difference between usthe misunderstanding. A lover never hears anything that is  told, for that is commonly either false or stale; but he hears things taking place, as the sentinels heard Trenck mining in the ground, and thought it was moles. The relation may be profaned in many ways. The parties may not regard it with equal sacredness. What if the lover should learn that his beloved dealt in incantations and philters! What if he should hear that she consulted a clairvoyant! The spell would be instantly broken. If to chaffer and higgle are bad in trade, they are much worse in Love. It demands directness as of an arrow. There is danger that we lose sight of what our friend is absolutely while considering what she is to us alone. The lover wants no partiality. He says, be so kind as to be just. Canst thou love with thy mind,And reason with thy heart?Canst thou be kind,And from thy darling part?Canst thou range earth, sea, and air,And so meet me everywhere?Through all events I will pursue thee,Through all persons I will woo thee. I need thy hate as much as thy love. Thou wilt not repel me entirely when thou repellest what is evil in me. Indeed, indeed, I cannot tell,Though I ponder on it well,Which were easier to state.All my love or all my hate.Surely, surely, thou wilt trust meWhen I say thou doth disgust me.O I hate thee with a hateThat would fain annihilate;Yet, sometimes, against my will,My dear Friend, I love thee still.It were treason to our love,And a sin to God above,One iota to abateOf a pure, impartial hate. It is not enough that we are truthful; we must cherish and carry out high purposes to be truthful about. It must be rare, indeed, that we meet with one to whom we are prepared to be quite ideally related, as she to us. We should have no reserve; we should give the whole of ourselves to that society; we should have no duty aside from that. One who could bear to be so wonderfully and beautifully exaggerated every day. I would take my friend out of her low self and set her higher, infinitely higher, and  there  know her. But, commonly, men are as much afraid of love as of hate. They have lower engagements. They have near ends to serve. They have not imagination enough to be thus employed about a human being but must be coopering a barrel, forsooth. What a difference, whether, in all your walks, you meet only strangers, or in one house is one who knows you, and whom you know. To have a brother or a sister! To have a gold mine on your farm! To find diamonds in the gravel heaps before your door! How rare these things are! To share the day with youto people the earth. Whether to have a god or a goddess for companion in your walks or to walk alone with hinds and villains and carles. Would not a friend enhance the beauty of the landscape as much as a deer or hare? Everything would acknowledge and serve such a relation; the corn in the field, and the cranberries in the meadow. The flowers would bloom, and the birds sing, with a new impulse. There would be more fair days in the year. The object of love expands and grows before us to eternity until it includes all that is lovely, and we become all that can love.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Carbon Monoxide Detectors and How They Work

Carbon Monoxide Detectors and How They Work According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, carbon monoxide poisoning is the leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in America. Carbon monoxide detectors are available, but you need to understand how they work and what their limitations are in order to decide whether or not you need a detector and, if you purchase a detector, how to use it to get the best protection. What is Carbon Monoxide? Carbon monoxide is an odorless, tasteless, invisible gas. Each carbon monoxide molecule is composed of a single carbon atom bonded to a single oxygen atom. Carbon monoxide results from the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, such as wood, kerosene, gasoline, charcoal, propane, natural gas, and oil. Where is Carbon Monoxide Found? Carbon monoxide is present in low levels in the air. In the home, it is formed from incomplete combustion from any flame-fueled (i.e., not electric) device, including ranges, ovens, clothes dryers, furnaces, fireplaces, grills, space heaters, vehicles, and water heaters. Furnaces and water heaters may be sources of carbon monoxide, but if they are vented properly the carbon monoxide will escape to the outside. Open flames, such as from ovens and ranges, are the most common source of carbon monoxide. Vehicles are the most common cause of carbon monoxide poisoning. How Do Carbon Monoxide Detectors Work? Carbon monoxide detectors trigger an alarm based on an accumulation of carbon monoxide over time. Detectors may be based on a chemical reaction causing a color change, an electrochemical reaction that produces current to trigger an alarm or a semiconductor sensor that changes its electrical resistance in the presence of CO. Most carbon monoxide detectors require a continuous power supply, so if the power cuts off then the alarm becomes ineffective. Models are available that offer back-up battery power. Carbon monoxide can harm you if you are exposed to high levels of carbon monoxide in a short period of time, or to lower levels of carbon monoxide over a long period of time, so there are different types of detectors depending on how the level of carbon monoxide is measured. Why is Carbon Monoxide Dangerous? When carbon monoxide is inhaled, it passes from the lungs into the hemoglobin molecules of red blood cells. Carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin at the same site as and preferentially to oxygen, forming carboxyhemoglobin. Carboxyhemoglobin interferes with the oxygen transport and gas exchange abilities of red blood cells. The result is that the body becomes oxygen-starved, which can result in tissue damage and death. Low levels of carbon monoxide poisoning cause symptoms similar to those of the flu or a cold, including shortness of breath on mild exertion, mild headaches, and nausea. Higher levels of poisoning lead to dizziness, mental confusion, severe headaches, nausea, and fainting on mild exertion. Ultimately, carbon monoxide poisoning can result in unconsciousness, permanent brain damage, and death. Carbon monoxide detectors are set to sound an alarm before the exposure to carbon monoxide would present a hazard to a healthy adult. Babies, children, pregnant women, people with cir culatory or respiratory ailments, and the elderly are more sensitive to carbon monoxide than healthy adults. Where Should I Place a Carbon Monoxide Detector? Because carbon monoxide is slightly lighter than air and also because it may be found with warm, rising air, detectors should be placed on a wall about 5 feet above the floor. The detector may be placed on the ceiling. Do not place the detector right next to or over a fireplace or flame-producing appliance. Keep the detector out of the way of pets and children. Each floor needs a separate detector. If you are getting a single carbon monoxide detector, place it near the sleeping area and make certain the alarm is loud enough to wake you up. What Do I Do if the Alarm Sounds? Dont ignore the alarm! It is intended to go off before you are experiencing symptoms. Silence the alarm, get all members of the household to fresh air, and ask whether anyone is experiencing any of the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. If anyone is experiencing symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, call 911. If no one has symptoms, ventilate the building, identify and remedy the source of the carbon monoxide before returning inside, and have appliances or chimneys checked by a professional as soon as possible. Additional Carbon Monoxide Concerns and Information Dont automatically assume that you need or dont need a carbon monoxide detector. Also, dont assume that you are safe from carbon monoxide poisoning just because you have a detector installed. Carbon monoxide detectors are intended to protect healthy adults, so take the ages and health of family members into account when assessing the effectiveness of a detector. Also, be aware that the average life span of many carbon monoxide detectors is about 2 years. The test feature on many detectors checks the functioning of the alarm and not the status of the detector. There are detectors that last longer, indicate when they need to be replaced, and have power supply backups you need to check to see whether a particular model has the features you require. When deciding whether or not to purchase a carbon monoxide detector, you need to consider not only the number and type of carbon monoxide sources but also the construction of the building. A newer building may have more airtight construction and may be better insulated, which make it easier for carbon monoxide to accumulate.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

PESTLE Analisys Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

PESTLE Analisys - Essay Example There is minimal political interference since the company deals with entertainment products. Though, the government once ordered the CDs produced by HMV to be investigated. This is simply because the company was making too much profit that led to a rise in suspicions of the eligibility of the CDs. Economically, several factors pose a great effect on the company. The crash on the company finances due to the acquisition of Waterston’s agency had a severe impact. The company’s shares performed poorly in the London stock exchange. The great impact made the company to have a partial closure. The unstable currency in the past recession years had a great impact on the company’s economy. This is because currency exchange from the signed deals produced futile results. Another factor that greatly affects the economy of HMV is the decline in the company’s performance in 2009.This affected the market as many customers felt that the company did not offer the best. The overall decline in the entertainment industry by 3.4% in 2008 had diverse effects on the company too. Firms in other countries working under the brand name of HMV contribute revenue to the company empowering it economically. The sales revenue of the company rose by 3.1% in 2010. This increased popularity of the brand and the cash inflow. On the sect of social factors, change in consumer demands or else lifestyle changes affects the company. This is whereby the customers drift their demand from one product completely to the other. If there were large stocks of the product, the company may experience a loss. It is mostly brought about by celebrities and other influential people. Advertising these items on a more apparent note helps to adhere to the lifestyle changes by reducing stock. The tapping of music and entertainment is another social factor. Most people can easily burn personal CDs posing a great challenge on the markets of HMV. They can also transfer music from one device to t he other without necessarily purchasing it. On the technology trends, several factors are considered. These include; Online business. Most of the music and computer games can be sold online. This is in line with business protection. The use of DVD s may not be applicable anymore since the sale of music can be easily done through the internet. The company can direct its focus on dealing with such issues to keep up with the pace of the fast developing technology.HMV has created a website whereby it sells its products through an online market. Another one is filming technology. There is the use of high filming technology that provides a live coverage of events. It can be used to record live performances of celebrities. The performances can be sold online for example through YouTube. This easily copes the growing technology. The company also utilizes the social media sites, for example face book. These sites can be used as advertisement centres. This is because they can be accessed by a large number of people. The various products offered by the company are displayed to the customers giving updates on the trending issues (Adams, J. L, 2002, 44). There are ecological factors that can be depicted. The shift from plastic DVDs to using the internet in order to protect the environment is a considerate factor. The plastic CDs that are not re-used but instead disposed off, can affect the environment since they are non-biodegradable. The cost of purchasing CDs is higher than that of selling music

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Strategic objectives for a business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategic objectives for a business - Essay Example Its mission is offering excellent hair services and beauty products, to its customers. Its values include respect, leadership, integrity, diversity, and accountability. The paper will look at the business objectives in relation to the four pillars of balanced scorecard including the financial pillar, customer pillar, internal operations pillar, and employees’ pillar. One of the key objectives as far as the financial pillar is concerned is coming up with an effective internal control environment. Such an environment would prevent financial crimes such as fraud or embezzlement of the business’ financial resources. The second key objective is ensuring stability in revenue and profitability. This is important as far as growing the shareholder wealth. For example, ensuring profitability stability contributes to the stability of the shares’ prices, which is in the best interest of the shareholders. The third key strategic objective is maximizing the shareholder wealth. This would happen, for example, by a business operating at optimum level would maximize the shareholder wealth. One of the key strategic objectives as far as customer pillar is concerned is enhancing customer satisfaction. Since the business is offering both services and products, customer satisfaction is extremely important. It helps in ensuring that the customers make repeat visits in the business, which helps in growing the market share. A key metric for this objective is the number of absenteeism within a given period. The second key strategic objective is offering high quality services and products to the customers. The customers expect value for money when they purchase the beauty products (Chia-Chen, 2006). The hair services should be excellent, which would translate into increased customer satisfaction. An effective metric for this objective is the number of repeat customers per a given period. The third strategic

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Good and Bad Times of Clinton Office Essay Example for Free

The Good and Bad Times of Clinton Office Essay Every presidency left people with significant events, both good and bad. This holds true to the American setting where each administration is sure to impart both legacy or prominence and most notably, controversy. In fact, it is ironic that people are keener in discussing the intrigues and flaws committed by a former President rather than acknowledge his concrete accomplishments and contributions to the country. Despite however this glaring life reality and human nature, it is still essential that a previous American leader be recognize for his efforts in unifying American people under a common stand which is for the nation to be stable, progressive and remains to be one of the most powerful and influential countries in the world. Such condition is what happened to the regime of the 42nd commander-in-chief of the United States, President William Jefferson â€Å"Bill† Clinton. Foremost his achievements and deeds, which are all supposedly aimed at empowering and uplifting the plight of American people; Clinton is best remembered through his controversial decisions and activities. In fact, beyond the apparent economic growth that his office attained, people are unfortunately reminded of Clinton’s dishonorable ethical blunder which was highlighted by the reported Monica Lewinsky sexual scandal. In an effort, therefore, to best understand and realize both the good and bad times of the Clinton office, it is empirically fair to present the nice and unpleasant things and events that happened during this presidential term. This is because in doing so, people will have the opportunity to realize the benefits of Clinton’s triumphs and most importantly, learn from his leadership mistakes. In his memoir â€Å"My Life,† Clinton made a poignant effort for the American people to understand him beyond his presidency. Regardless however of his charismatic and celebrated personality, Clinton struggled to rectify his dwindled and scandal-ridden administration. It became an inevitably difficult task for Clinton to fulfill his promises, while still campaigning for presidency, as well as adhere to his platform during his two-term office. This is primarily due to the reality that his feats were marred by his own faults. It is first worthy to take into consideration that Clinton’s political era has manifested goodness even before he became the initial Democratic president after Franklin D. Roosevelt to prevail over a two-term White House office. When his time came to lead the nation, Clinton made Americans benefit from further peace and order as well as economic advantages (â€Å"Bill Clinton† 1). Additionally, the good times of the Clinton office are further illustrated with the country reflecting the ever lowest unemployment rate, a feat which previous presidents have not achieved. The economic benefits made by the Clinton office were also depicted by the lowest inflation in a span of three decades, the soaring housing ownership in the entire history of U. S. , significant fall of crime rates in a number of states, and lessened welfare turn-over. These fiscal triumphs were more highlighted with the Clinton office’s proposal of the first fair national budget which eventually ended in a budget surplus (â€Å"Bill Clinton† 1). Clinton time in office was likewise marked by an end of the period of the so-called big government. This is when significant measures were made that improved the educational system, protected and assured people with jobs, curbed firearms trade and reinforced environmental policies. The economic prosperity of Clinton office was corroborated by Kelly who stated that it is in his time that the stock market climbed radically. Aside from this, Kelly added that it is in Clinton’s regime that the Family and Medical Leave Act and North American Free Trade Agreement were passed and ratified, respectively. Lastly it was during Clinton office that international hostilities were put to an end including the reign of Saddam Hussein (Kelly 1). While the bad time of Clinton office significantly resulted from the failure of his proposal to undertake a system for national health care, it was in the second term that his presidency started to fall off. In fact, it is the period when Clinton earned more fame due to controversies that included the Gennifer Flowers, Whitewater Travelgate, the FBI file controversy as well as the emergence of Paula Jones and eventually the Lewinsky alleged intimate affair. Relatively, Gertz alarmingly noted that beyond Clinton’s dreadful confession, over a national television, that he â€Å"misled† the American people concerning the Lewinsky scandal, he is more accountable for further upsetting cover-up. According to Gertz, the Clinton office was definitely blemished by a bad leadership decision that concerned guidelines which, in turn, affected and eventually harmed the nation’s security (Gertz 3). Gertz further revealed how Clinton betrayed the American people through his office’s determined failure and disobedience to â€Å"provide for the common defense† which the American constitution requires. The author added that Clinton’s reckless guidelines, as regard key military and intelligence measures, affected the country’s protection. Clinton’s apparent inconsiderate cover-up of this apparent wrongdoing betrayed and left the country with weaker and susceptible military. This is unfortunate especially during a period that its rival countries have strengthened and a more unsafe world exists (Gertz 3). Judging from the cited good and bad times of Clinton office, the historical importance of his regime became evident. In a time of a mounting divided politics and instability, Clinton succeeded in moving his plan to a core which led to mainstream America. Despite however of the bad times and even the aborted impeachment, Clinton is still and ultimately considered to be a very popular president. Works Cited â€Å"Bill Clinton. † The White House. n. d. 17 March 2009 http://www. whitehouse. gov/about/presidents/williamjClinton/. Gertz, Bill. Betrayal: How the Clinton Administration Undermined American Security. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2001. Kelly, Martin. â€Å"Bill Clinton – Forty-second President of the United States. † n. d. About. com: American History. 17 March 2009 http://americanhistory. about. com/od/williamjclinton/p/pclinton. htm.

Friday, November 15, 2019

RENT the Musical :: Rent Musicals Movies Broadway Plays Essays

RENT the Musical There's a scene in the new musical "RENT" that may be the quintessential romantic moment of the '90s. Roger, a struggling rock musician, and Mimi, a junkie who's a dancer at an S/M club, are having a lovers' quarrel when their beepers go off and each takes out a bottle of pills. It's the signal for an "AZT break," and suddenly they realize that they're both HIV-positive. Clinch. Love duet. If you don't think this is romantic, consider that Jonathan Larson's sensational musical is inspired by Puccini's opera "La Boheme," in which the lovers Mimi and Rodolfo are tragically separated by her death from tuberculosis. Different age, different plague. Larson has updated Puccini's end-of-19th-century Left Bank bohemians to end-of-20th-century struggling artists in New York's East Village. His rousing, moving, scathingly funny show, performed by a cast of youthful unknowns with explosive talent and staggering energy, has brought a shocking jolt of creative juice to Broadway. A far greater shock was the sudden death of 35-year-old Larson from an aortic aneurysm just before his show opened. His death just before the breakthrough success is the stuff of both tragedy and tabloids. Such is our culture. Now Larson's work, along with "Bring in 'Da Noise, Bring in 'Da Funk," the tap-dance musical starring the marvelous young dancer Savion Glover, is mounting a commando assault on Broadway from the downtown redoubts of off-Broadway. Both are now encamped amid the revivals ("The King and I") and movie adaptations ("Big") that have made Broadway such a creatively fallow field in recent seasons. And both are oriented to an audience younger than Broadway usually attracts. If both, or either, settle in for a successful run, the door may open for new talent to reinvigorate the once dominant American musical theater. "RENT" so far has the sweet smell of success, marked no only by it's $6 million advance sale (solid, but no guarantee) but also by the swarm of celebrities who have clamored for tickets: Michelle Pfeifer, Sylvester Stallone, Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Ralph your own biggie. Last week, on opening night, 21 TV crews, many from overseas, swarmed the Nederlander Theatre to shoot the 15 youthful cast members in euphoric shock under salvos of cheers. Supermogul David Geffen of the new DreamWorks team paid just under a million dollars to record the original-cast album. Pop artitsts who've expressed interest in recording songs from the 33-number score include Whitney Houston, Toni Braxton and Boyz II Men. A bidding scrimmage has started for the movie rights among such Hollywood heavies as Warner Brothers, Danny DeVito's Jersey Films, Fox 2000 and Columbia. The asking price is $3 million, but bonuses for length of run, RENT the Musical :: Rent Musicals Movies Broadway Plays Essays RENT the Musical There's a scene in the new musical "RENT" that may be the quintessential romantic moment of the '90s. Roger, a struggling rock musician, and Mimi, a junkie who's a dancer at an S/M club, are having a lovers' quarrel when their beepers go off and each takes out a bottle of pills. It's the signal for an "AZT break," and suddenly they realize that they're both HIV-positive. Clinch. Love duet. If you don't think this is romantic, consider that Jonathan Larson's sensational musical is inspired by Puccini's opera "La Boheme," in which the lovers Mimi and Rodolfo are tragically separated by her death from tuberculosis. Different age, different plague. Larson has updated Puccini's end-of-19th-century Left Bank bohemians to end-of-20th-century struggling artists in New York's East Village. His rousing, moving, scathingly funny show, performed by a cast of youthful unknowns with explosive talent and staggering energy, has brought a shocking jolt of creative juice to Broadway. A far greater shock was the sudden death of 35-year-old Larson from an aortic aneurysm just before his show opened. His death just before the breakthrough success is the stuff of both tragedy and tabloids. Such is our culture. Now Larson's work, along with "Bring in 'Da Noise, Bring in 'Da Funk," the tap-dance musical starring the marvelous young dancer Savion Glover, is mounting a commando assault on Broadway from the downtown redoubts of off-Broadway. Both are now encamped amid the revivals ("The King and I") and movie adaptations ("Big") that have made Broadway such a creatively fallow field in recent seasons. And both are oriented to an audience younger than Broadway usually attracts. If both, or either, settle in for a successful run, the door may open for new talent to reinvigorate the once dominant American musical theater. "RENT" so far has the sweet smell of success, marked no only by it's $6 million advance sale (solid, but no guarantee) but also by the swarm of celebrities who have clamored for tickets: Michelle Pfeifer, Sylvester Stallone, Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Ralph your own biggie. Last week, on opening night, 21 TV crews, many from overseas, swarmed the Nederlander Theatre to shoot the 15 youthful cast members in euphoric shock under salvos of cheers. Supermogul David Geffen of the new DreamWorks team paid just under a million dollars to record the original-cast album. Pop artitsts who've expressed interest in recording songs from the 33-number score include Whitney Houston, Toni Braxton and Boyz II Men. A bidding scrimmage has started for the movie rights among such Hollywood heavies as Warner Brothers, Danny DeVito's Jersey Films, Fox 2000 and Columbia. The asking price is $3 million, but bonuses for length of run,

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Dilemma: African American and Nonviolence Essay

The omnivores dilemma is a modern problem for all human beings. These days, there are many options for a person to eat, but not all are healthy. Every day people go to supermarkets and feel totally lost because there are so many choices. Source #2 â€Å"Louis Armstrong. † Grolier. Web. 1 Jan. . Source #3 â€Å"Armstrong,Louis. † Grolier. Web. 1 Jan. . Source #4 â€Å"Louis Armstrong. † Facthound. Web. 1 Jan. . Source #5 Raum, Elizabeth,ed. Louis Armstrong : Jazz Legend. 2007. Protesting Nonviolently Did you know that three major figures used the method of nonviolence to change the world? Nonviolence has been a successful way to protest for many years and has provided major changes in life for people. Nonviolence is the best way to protest and make a major point. Gandhi was one of the first people to use nonviolence in a major way. A book tells how Gandhi went to jail instead of others because he did not fear a jail cell and proved he was nonviolent. When Gandhi organized a march officers beat the protesters and injured them severely, but they did not raise an arm to fight back. Gandhi sent a letter to Lord Irwin saying how british rule is a curse and he will stop at nothing to free his people from british rule. Gandhi initiated the first acts of nonviolence and won freedom for the people of India. Martin Luther King Jr. used nonviolent acts to fight against segregation. When MLK was part of a boycott he took full responsibility when he was arrested and said he wasn’t going anywhere or going to fight back. Martin was picking up more volunteers for protesting and said that it was hard not to fight back but they still had to lay down their weapons. The time MLK led the bus boycott he was arrested, people who had participated in the boycott actually walked down to the sheriff’s office to be arrested and to see if their name was on the list. Martin Luther King Jr. used nonviolence to get rights for colored people and followed Gandhi’s example. Nelson Mandela worked fighting racial segregation in South Africa, or apartheid, using nonviolence. Mandela’s organization started out using violence but soon converted to Gandhi’s way of nonviolence which was better morally and tactically. Nelson Mandela took lots of his time recruiting helpers for the cause. Although the work was dangerous, he was convinced that nonviolence was the way to win. Mandela talked about how if he was put to a death sentence his work work and actions would live on. Nelson Mandela adapted Gandhi’s work to help free the people of South Africa from racial oppression. Nonviolence worked to help lots of different kinds of people throughout history and proved major points. Gandhi started nonviolence and became a major figure for lots of people. Martin Luther King Jr. used nonviolence to gain rights for colored people in america and became a pivotal figure in american history. Nelson Mandela became the first South African president and is also a major figure in history. Nonviolence has changed the world majorly and next time you see a picture of Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. , or Nelson Mandela you might think a little more about them.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Compare the theme of outsiders in Frankenstein Essay

      D, so he wanted to join the terrorist group to seek revenge. In this respect Daz is similar to the monster, they are both willing to commit heinous crimes for vengeance. ‘ Del that’s my brovver thay catch im raiding wiv Dred. Top him don’t thay. ‘ This quote shows how Daz’s brother was killing in a raid with Dred. After the night in the Blue Moon where he saved Zoe and her friends, Daz finds himself an outcast from two societies. He was still physically a ‘chippy’, which means he is not allowed in Silverdale; however, he helped out the enemy ‘subbies’ which make him not an accepted chippy. After Daz and Zoe they contact each other through letters and finally when they meet, the reader recognise that Daz does not want to be a ‘chippy. ‘ Throughout this novel we are constantly reminded of this forbidden love. ‘ I seen this Subby girl, our mam. Forget her, Daz. Not easy, our mam. Not easy. ‘ Daz is given a negative response from his mum, when he explains that he has met Zoe. However, once Daz meets Zoe he realises he does not want to be an outsider any longer, Daz’s priorities and views of ‘subbies’ change. Like Victor, Daz is very determined; he takes a lot of risks for Zoe and to make his life better. It appears to the reader that Zoe has the perfect life, money, nice houses, cars and good facilities. However it becomes evermore clear that Zoe feels trapped and unhappy. Zoe is an outsider because after she meets Daz, Silverdale citizens see her as a ‘chippy lover. ‘ ‘That’s why we have fences and lights and guards†¦ some kids get fed up being cooped up†¦ a suburbs a pretty nice place†¦ but any place with a fence around’ll get to you, eventually. ‘ This quote shows the reader how a Subby teenager can become fed up with the enclosed lifestyle. Zoe feels this because she is brainwashed into believing her existence is happy and enjoyable. Similar to Daz, when the two forbidden lovers meet her priorities changes. Zoe the loyal and hard working daughter rebels against her parent’s old fashioned and single minded views. Unlike Daz, Zoe is an outsider by choice. Her easiest option could have been to lead a normal life as a young, well-educated Silverdale resident. Nevertheless, Zoe decides to leave the suburb and live in the city, choosing to become an outsider from two societies. Zoe chooses to be an outsider and is similar to Victor; she sees that defending things that are important to her holds great risks. ‘†¦ For the first time I contemplated the enormity of the step I had just taken†¦ ‘ This quote shows how Zoe realises that she has left her Subby life to live in the city; this is the first physical sign of her becoming an outsider. In Daz 4 Zoe Zoe’s Grandmother is not an obvious outsider. To begin with Grandma is not a visible outsider, although later we go on to find she is the founder of the illegitimate organisation. She is very similar to Robert Walton as they are both outsiders in their thoughts and views, however they are not outcasts. Grandma was part of an underground outfit called F. A. I. R, which stands for Fraternal Alliance for Integration through Reunification. Resembling Victor, Robert Walton and Zoe, she is an outsider through choice and these views influence Zoe. Daz 4 Zoe and Frankenstein both discuss outsiders in society, and how people can be born outcasts and how others chose to be secluded from society because of their ambitions, beliefs or interests. We read how Daz and the Monster we forced into seclusion, isolated from society. Also how Zoe, Victor, Grandma and Robert Walton choose to live their lives dangerously and even unhappily because of their thoughts. The nineteenth century literature and the contemporary novel are relevant to today’s society. In the present culture we have different castes, religions, races even different accents, Daz 4 Zoe shows an extreme version of abused power and prejudice. Due to advances in medical science in the present day limbs can be sewn on, body parts reshaped new skin tissue be formed. Frankenstein again shows excessive power, since the novel was written we have had cloning and artificial body parts The two novels both are severe results of social issues we have today. I feel the moral of the two novels combined is that with no action, modern society could find themselves in these difficult situations. 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section. Download this essay Print Save Not the one? Search for

Friday, November 8, 2019


TMM USA Inc 1) As Doug Friesen, what would you do to address the seat problem? Where would you focus your attention and solution efforts?Doug Friesen and his team is witnessing severe problem related to rear seats provided by Kentucky Framed Seats(KFS) after the plant started manufacturing Camry wagon models from March 1992. It has been observed that most of the issues are from the supplier's end and relatively insignificant errors are from the Toyota Motor Manufacturing(TMM) plant in USA. Some of the major problems were Missing Bolsters, Gap in rear seat etc. As per Exhibit 7, defects per vehicle have reduced significantly post Oct '91and in fact is well within the goal/target in the month of February and March 1992. But, in April '92 the seat defects surpasses the limit once again. It coincides with TMM's plan to produce and become sole source of Camry wagons to North America, Europe, Japan and Middle-East.1986 Toyota Camry photographed in USA. Category:To...Exhibit 10(Andon Pulls at Left-Hand Side Seat Installation) indicates significantly high number of Andon Pulls in First Shift of Rear seat installation station compared to 2nd Shift.Doug Friesen should work towards finding solution to three issues: (1) Drop of quality seats with KFS and 2) Identify reason for variance in andon pulls of first and second shift (3) Delay in replenishment of replacement seats from KFS once the problem is identified in clinic area .As Doug Friesen, we(group L2) would first try to identify process constraints and concerns related to upgrading the facility and process capability of KFS to manage new and greater mix of variety of seats to be produced for new models. From the case, we understand that when KFS first started supplying seats in 1986, it had a tough time to learn and cope with requirements at par with TMC's Japanese seat...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Learn the Italian Calendar Months

Learn the Italian Calendar Months You want to tell your language partner when you’re going to Italy for a vacation, and that’s when you realize you’re not sure how to say you’re arriving in May and leaving in July. What were the vocabulary words for those months again? In case you need a quick review or are learning these months for the first time, here is a list of the months to help you use them in daily conversation along with example sentences and cocktail party facts. I Mesi - The Months January - gennaioFebruary - febbraioMarch - marzoApril - aprileMay - maggioJune - giugnoJuly - luglioAugust - agostoSeptember - settembreOctober - ottobreNovember - novembreDecember - dicembre Cocktail party fact: Notice that the first letter of the month isn’t capitalized in Italian. In case you were wondering, the days of the week  and the seasons aren’t capitalized either. Some Examples Vado in Italia a maggio per tre mesi. - I’m going to Italy in May for three months.Parto per l’Italia a luglio. - I’m leaving for Italy in July.L’anno scorso sono stato in Italia da settembre a dicembre. - Last year I was in Italy from September to December.Il mio migliore amico abita in Italia sei mesi all’anno da gennaio a giugno. - My best friend lives in Italy for six months of the year from January to June.Il mio compleanno à ¨ il diciotto di aprile, quindi il mio segno zodiacale à ¨ l’ariete. - My birthday is April 18, so my zodiac sign is Aries.La festa sar a marzo. - The party will be in March.Vorrei andare in Danimarca a settembre, ma devo frequentare le lezioni. - I would like to go to Denmark in September, but I have to go to my classes.Ogni febbraio c’à ¨ una celebrazione dell’amore si chiama Il Giorno di San Valentino. - Each February there is a celebration of love called Valentine’s Day.Siamo ad ottobre! - We’re in October!/It’s October! Which Prepositions to UseWith Months Typically when you talk about an activity happening in a certain month, you use the preposition â€Å"a† before it to mean the English definition of â€Å"in†. In the examples above, you may have also seen the use of â€Å"da†, which mirrors the English definition of â€Å"from† when separating a distance of months. Finally, you also saw â€Å"di† precede a month, and that was used to indicate possession since it was a birthday. Why Was September the 7th Month Instead of the 9th Month? During the Roman empire, September was considered the 7th month, October the 8th, November the 9th, and so on. Why is that? According to the University of Chicago, after around 753 BCE, the Roman calendar began in March instead of January and only consisted of ten months instead of twelve. This structure was created by King Romulus and was based on a combination of the lunar cycles and the agricultural seasons. However, structuring the calendar in this way wasn’t as effective because the lunar cycles didn’t match up with the earth’s rotation around the sun and therefore didn’t accurately pair with the seasons.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Write about the role of a social worker in corrections Research Paper

Write about the role of a social worker in corrections - Research Paper Example Similarly, probation or parole officers from social workers are better equipped to deal with correctional population. The services of social workers are essential not only in corrections but also in the rehabilitation of released prisoners. Consequently, there is a great demand for trained social workers â€Å"who have knowledge, skills, values, and motivation to work with correctional clients† (Correctional counselors: roles, work environments, conflicts, and challenges, n.d). As part of their correctional roles, social workers need to interact with the family members, community, staff in the correctional facilities, and other social service agencies for the well-being of their clients. Social workers in corrections play a number of roles including counselors, mediators, psychologists, coordinators, advocates, evaluators, and persuaders. Besides, they need to quip themselves with the specialized knowledge and specific skills required for a correctional social worker. However, there is a shortage of correctional social workers in the judicial system of many nations due to their increased demand. This paper seeks to explore the different roles and interventions undertaken by social workers in various correctional settings. It is worthwhile to understand the meaning and depth of correction with regard to social work practice. Kumar and Devasia (2009, p. 229), in this regard, view correction as part of social control-â€Å"a social process by which modern society deals with officially identified lawbreakers.† The ultimate aim of correction is to identify and prevent delinquent or criminal behavior of the offending population. Correction by social workers is possible in the case of all types of offenders. However, offenders who are placed on probation and parole are more likely to benefit from correctional social work. Social workers who

Friday, November 1, 2019

Contemporary international problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Contemporary international problems - Essay Example These individuals that became entrenched in slavery provided the second source of slaves, namely their children. Children born in slavery were the property of their parents masters. This was especially prevalent in Americas experience with slavery in the Deep South prior to the Emancipation Proclamation. In modern times, many people that end up in slavery are not forcibly taken from their homelands. They are lured by the prospect of increased financial opportunity. Only after contracting with individuals for transportation, housing and other expenses necessary for relocation does the slave realize they have entered into servitude. A major difficulty in defining modern day slavery and in developing strategies to combat is the institutions that create the market for slaves so not see themselves as contributing to the phenomena. For example, legislators in Florida that have the ability to champion legislation that would define and combat modern day slavery are also owners or have interest in agricultural entities such as orange groves or tomato farms that directly benefit from the modern day slave trade. Other institutions not linked to the legislature claim that it is the contractors that are to blame for the slavery, not the farmers or the food processors. Internationally, the United Nations passed a resolution on trafficking in humans, especially women and children, in 2003. This is the first international law dealing with modern day slavery. The resolution passed but questions still remain about enforcement. I believe that formulating domestic and foreign policy through a gendered lens is not just helpful, but necessary. What seems most damaging is developing these policies according to an ideology that tries to explain why men present the traits and attributes that seem to be more prevalent in their populations and why women present attributes generalized to their population. Working with an